There is a little boy in 2nd grade (who is quite possibly the cutest child I teach) who comes in every Thursday before school with a little girl from his class, and the two of them tell me all about their week, what their moms packed them for lunch, etc.

Totally. adorable.

Today he came through the door, gave me a huge hug, and said, "Mrs. Clamforest, you are my best friend!"

Around the World

I was showing a class of first graders different instruments and explaining that each one came from a different place: Africa, Mexico, Germany, China, Jamaica, etc.

Every time I mentioned a new location, a little boy hopped up and down and cried, "Ohhh!!! I've been there!"

One of two things is happening here:

1) He's not quite telling the truth.
2) At the age of 6, he has already been to more places than most of us will ever go in our lives.

I may need to ask his parents about possible summertime nanny positions...


Random Thought of the Day:

Shouldn't elementary school teachers be able to write-off hand sanitizer on their tax returns?

Not. kidding.
I couldn't resist this sample picture.  Maybe I should try that...

Parental Supervision?

3rd grade boy: "Mrs. Clamforest, I have a present for you! It's my lucky penny!"

Me: "That's very sweet of you, but you don't need to give me your lucky penny; it must be very special!"

Boy: "Yep, it is! I found it stuck in the bottom of our lawnmower! You can have it though, I don't mind!"

Where do these boys come from?

1st grade boy: "MRS. CLAMFOREST!!! I love you so much and I wish I could marry you!"

Me: "Wow, thanks!"

1st grade boy: "When can we have our wedding?!"

Me: "Oh, in about 20 years..."

Thanks for the commentary

I was explaining to a class of 2nd graders the correct way to raise your hand to ask a question in the music classroom. In order to show the "wrong way," I flailed my arms around above my head and received the following comment:

2nd Grade Boy: "Mrs. Clamforest, your arms are all wiggly, kind of like flapping around!"


Dum Dum Bah Dum

I woke up at 3am singing "Elephants Have Wrinkles," a current favorite with Kindergarteners for learning to show steady beat. Please make it stop.

Maybe she's born with it...maybe it's Maybelline.

I tried wearing eye makeup to school.

3rd grade boy: "Mrs. Clamforest, did you get into a fight or something? Your eyes look weird."


Mr. Smith

2nd grade boy: "Mrs Clamforest, is that my sister's name on the board?!"

Me: "Yes, it is."

Boy (with hands folded across chest and furrowed eyebrows): "Well if that happens again, you can let me know and I'll talk to her for you, because I'm going to be a CIA Agent one day!"

To be or not to be

I was showing a class of 2nd graders a little trick dog I have on a leash, which can "keep a steady beat to music."

It's made out of Styrofoam.

The kids were arguing about whether or not he was real and a little boy said: "We can't say if he's real or not, that's only for God to know."

Farm Girl

I had two french-braids in my hair.

1st grade boy: "Mrs. Clamforest, I think you are pretty, and that you look just like a farm girl today...and I love you."

It makes me happy that little boys are so darn cute. :)

Love and Marriage

8 year old boy: "Mrs. Clamforest, do you remember in 2nd grade when I asked you to marry me?"
Me: "Yep."
Boy: "Well, I was wondering if you had time to think about it at all?"
Me: "Ummm...."
Boy: "Because, do you remember you told me, 'I will think about it,' and I just wondered if you did yet..."

After I got done laughing a little bit and being surprised, I told him, "If I'm not married in 20 years down the road, maybe we can talk at that point."

I think that was a good enough response for him, because he dropped it and ran off to play a xylophone with the rest of his class. ;)


Another reason to keep music in schools:

Me: "Today, we're going to be learning about Beethoven!"
4th Grader: "Oh yeah! He was in that movie with all those kids!"
Me: "Well, way before he was a dog, he was a really great composer!"
4th Grader: "Well, I bet more people know about the dog."

*Eye twitches*

Really, Mrs. Puff?

First day teaching story:

I introduced myself to a class of 1st graders today and told them I sometimes like to watch the show "Spongebob Squarepants."

1st Grade Boy: "Mrs. Clamforest, you kind of look like a character from that show!"

1st Grade Girl: "Yeah, like Mrs. Puff!"


Hey there

Today as one class of Kindergarteners was walking out the door after music class, a boy turned around and said, "Mrs. Clamforest, I really enjoy spending time with you!"

And then he gave me the "wink and gun" and a sly grin...

The problem is that these adorable little boys are about 20 years too late. ;)